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Dave Teare

Dave Teare ,Founder

When Dave Teare created 1Password, freedom from commuting and being able to spend more time with family was at the forefront of his mind. He’s incredibly proud of the environment he’s helped create that allows ideas to blossom and grow into successful products and processes.

This culture encourages the implementation of new and better ideas so 1Password is always working towards a better future.

Something else Dave is proud of is his commitment to a flexible approach to the customer experience, which allows the team to be inventive with how they delight 1Password customers. Dave’s happy place is working with customers one-on-one to understand their needs and then create solutions, whether it’s teaching them about existing features or writing a new line of code to make improvements.

When he’s not being a jack-of-all-trades at 1Password or hanging out on Twitter, Dave loves to relax with his kids, friends, and family while playing board games, card games, or catching them all with Pokémon Go.