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Troy Hunt

Troy Hunt ,

Troy Hunt is a web security consultant and the founder of Have I Been Pwned, a free service that helps people establish if they've been affected by data breaches. Troy’s been an advocate of 1Password since 2011 and has introduced millions of people to better password security.

Troy worked at Pfizer for 14 years and spent the latter half of that time working on application architecture in the Asia Pacific region. This experience gave Troy huge exposure to all aspects of technology and diverse culture.

Many of the things he teaches in post-corporate life are based on these experiences, particularly as a result of working with a large number of outsourcing vendors across the globe. Currently, Troy creates courses for Pluralsight and is a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP who travels the world speaking at events and training technology professionals. You can regularly find him in the press talking about security and even testifying before US Congress on the impact of data breaches.