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男士坐在桌前,使用平板电脑和笔记本电脑管理 1Password XAM 的访问权限


如今的安全工具只能确保某些应用程序、某些设备和某些人的访问安全。随着远程办公、自带设备和影子 IT 应用的普及,未经许可的应用程序和不受信任的设备数量正在迅速攀升。企业只能依赖传统的身份和访问管理解决方案,而这些解决方案是为已不复存在的工作方式而设计的。

现代 IT 和安全团队需要 Extended Access Management

 Extended Access Management ensures that every identity is authentic, every application sign-on is secure, and every device is healthy. It’s the only solution that helps companies secure access to all applications from any device in today’s SaaS-centric hybrid work environment.







实际体验 1Password Extended Access Management

See how 1Password combines user identity, application insights, device trust, and enterprise password management in one place.

Request a demo


1Password Extended Access Management 可确保每个身份、设备、应用程序和位置的用户访问安全。以下是它的工作原理。

1Password XAM 中的访问管理控制


User Identity
Extend single sign-on to every application, including unsanctioned apps, providing secure access to every website and app to mitigate vulnerabilities. Manage the user lifecycle from end to end to reduce risk and secure every authentication, no matter how users sign in.

Public beta coming soon.

1Password XAM 中的设备管理详细报告


Device Trust (Kolide by 1Password)
Keep unknown and wounded devices away from your sensitive data. 1Password Extended Access Management checks the health of every device – even for bring-your-own devices and contractors. Block access to apps until end users have completed important security tasks, like addressing a Watchtower alert, updating their applications and browsers, or fixing serious device compliance issues.

1Password XAM 中的应用程序管理报告


Application Insights
Employees use tools that make them more productive, often without IT approval. 1Password Extended Access Management gives businesses visibility into the applications their employees are actually using. When unsanctioned apps are discovered, admins can guide users towards company-approved applications, or manage access to unmanaged applications.

Public beta coming soon.

1Password 的企业密码管理器


Enterprise Password Manager

1Password Extended Access Management includes the most usedenterprise password manager, which is trusted by over 150,000 businesses and millions of consumers. Since 2007, 1Password has made the secure way to work the easy way to work.

1Password 使复杂的过程变得更容易,并将它们无缝地集成到实践中。因此,这有助于我们遵守 Flo 的安全和隐私原则。

Flo 首席信息安全官 (CISO) Leo Cunningham

Key capabilities of 1Password Extended Access Management

1Password's enterprise password manager


Secure end user authentication methods, whether they access managed or unmanaged apps through single sign-on (SSO), passwords, multi-factor authentication (MFA), or passkeys.

使用 1Password 的单点登录 (SSO) 登录 Figma 账户


Grant or deny access to apps based on policy, factoring in dozens of contextual signals in real time during authentication, including the state of the device they are using, credential strength, and more.

1Password Extended Access Management 中的应用程序管理界面


实时了解员工正在使用的受到管理和未经批准的 SaaS 应用。分析企业设备和自带设备的应用使用数据。

"1Password Extended Access Management 中的设备管理清单


通过清晰的说明指导最终用户进行修复,以便当他们的访问因设备安全状况问题而被策略阻止时,他们可以快速恢复访问权限,而无需 IT 帮助。



Extending Access Management

为什么零信任需要超越传统的身份和访问管理 (IAM),以及如何做到这一点。


隆重推出 Extended Access Management

了解我们构建 Extended Access Management 的原因,以及为什么每个使用 Identity and Access Management (IAM) 的企业都需要它。


Extended Access Management 概述

欢迎参加我们于美国东部时间 5 月 16 日中午 12 点/美国中部时间上午 9 点举行的会议,了解如何应对现代访问的挑战,最大限度地降低安全风险。

1Password Extended Access Management 常见问题解答

开始使用 1Password Extended Access Management

了解 1Password Extended Access Management 如何帮助优化每台设备、每个应用程序和每次登录的安全性。联系我们的团队以了解更多信息。
