Need a password? Try the 1Password Strong Password Generator.

Generate secure, random passwords to stay safe online.

Password not copied






Protect Your Passwords with 1Password

The world’s most-loved password manager

Stop reusing passwords

Stop reusing passwords

Using the same password for every site is dangerous. If that password is involved in a hack or data breach, your entire online life could be at risk.

Generate secure, unique passwords

Generate secure, unique passwords

The 1Password built-in password generator uses cryptographically secure number generation to generate unique passwords for you.

Just remember one password

Just remember one password

With 1Password, you only ever need to remember a single password. All your other passwords and important information are protected behind a Account Password that only you know.


Secure yourself online

$ 2.99

USD per month

  • Use on all your devices

  • Unlimited items

  • 1GB secure storage

1Password Families

Peace of mind for your whole family

$ 4.99

USD monthly per family of 5
Try 1Password free

  • 5 family members

  • More users for $1 each

  • Friendly support


The simplest way to secure your team

$ 3.99

USD per user monthly

  • Built-in risk detection

  • Selective sharing

  • Expert support


The most trusted business password manager

$ 7.99

USD per user monthly
Try 1Password free

  • Reporting, admin controls, and Advanced Protection

  • Integrate with Active Directory, OneLogin, Slack, Duo, and more