1Password® Extended Access Management
Secure every sign-in for every app on every device
Modern security and IT teams need to make sure every identity, device, and application is secure. Only 1Password® Extended Access Management (XAM) checks every box.
You need more than what today’s access management tools offer
Today’s security tools only secure access to some applications, some devices, and some people. With remote work, bring-your-own device, and shadow IT apps becoming commonplace, the number of unsanctioned apps and untrusted devices is rapidly climbing. Businesses are stuck relying on traditional identity and access management solutions, which were built for a way of work that no longer exists.
Modern IT and Security teams need Extended Access Management
Extended Access Management ensures that every identity is authentic, every application sign-on is secure, and every device is healthy. It’s the only solution that helps companies secure access to all applications from any device in today’s SaaS-centric hybrid work environment.
Comprehensive visibility
See and secure all identities, applications, and devices to protect against the risk of data breaches from a single pane of glass.
Accelerate security remediation
Enforce policy and identity safeguards to make sure only trusted users on secure devices can gain access to business data.
Simplify access
Manage access permissions for both admins and end users for all types of applications and devices.
Découvrez 1Password Extended Access Management en action.
See how 1Password combines user identity, application insights, device trust, and enterprise password management in one place.
Secure access for the way businesses work today
1Password Extended Access Management secures user access across every identity, device, application, and location. Here’s how it works.
Protégez votre personnel
User Identity
Extend single sign-on to every application, including unsanctioned apps, providing secure access to every website and app to mitigate vulnerabilities. Manage the user lifecycle from end to end to reduce risk and secure every authentication, no matter how users sign in.
Public beta coming soon.
Sécurisez vos appareils
Device Trust (Kolide by 1Password)
Keep unknown and wounded devices away from your sensitive data. 1Password Extended Access Management checks the health of every device – even for bring-your-own devices and contractors. Block access to apps until end users have completed important security tasks, like addressing a Watchtower alert, updating their applications and browsers, or fixing serious device compliance issues.
Sécurisez toutes les applications
Application Insights
Employees use tools that make them more productive, often without IT approval. 1Password Extended Access Management gives businesses visibility into the applications their employees are actually using. When unsanctioned apps are discovered, admins can guide users towards company-approved applications, or manage access to unmanaged applications.
Public beta coming soon.
Secure your credentials
Enterprise Password Manager
1Password Extended Access Management includes the most usedenterprise password manager, which is trusted by over 150,000 businesses and millions of consumers. Since 2007, 1Password has made the secure way to work the easy way to work.
1Password simplifie les processus complexes et les intègre de manière transparente à nos flux de travail. C'est ce qui permet à Flo de rester fidèle à ses principes de sécurité et de confidentialité.
Leo Cunningham, responsable de la sécurité des systèmes d'information chez Flo
Key capabilities of 1Password Extended Access Management
Authentification universelle
Secure end user authentication methods, whether they access managed or unmanaged apps through single sign-on (SSO), passwords, multi-factor authentication (MFA), or passkeys.
Des politiques d'accès qui tiennent compte du contexte
Grant or deny access to apps based on policy, factoring in dozens of contextual signals in real time during authentication, including the state of the device they are using, credential strength, and more.
Visibilité des applications
Bénéficiez d’une visibilité en temps réel sur les applications SaaS gérées et non approuvées qui sont utilisées par les employés. Analysez l'utilisation des applications sur les appareils de l'entreprise et sur les appareils personnels des employés.
Un libre-service pour restaurer les accès
Fournissez à vos utilisateurs des consignes claires sur les mesures à prendre pour regagner rapidement un accès perdu quand il a été bloqué en raison d’une politique sur l’état d’un appareil. L’intervention du service informatique est ainsi rendue superflue.
Ressources recommandées
Une gestion des accès encore plus étendue
Pourquoi la confiance zéro nécessite d'aller au-delà de la gestion traditionnelle des identités et des accès (IAM), et comment s'y prendre.
Découvrez Extended Access Management
Découvrez pourquoi nous avons conçu Extended Access Management et pourquoi toutes les entreprises qui utilisent la gestion des identités et des accès (IAM) en ont besoin.
Extended Access Management overview
Rejoignez-nous le 16 mai à 12 h 00 (heure de l’Est) ou 9 h 00 (heure du Pacifique) pour découvrir comment vous pouvez relever les défis posés aujourd’hui par les accès afin de minimiser les risques pour votre sécurité.
1Password Extended Access Management Frequently Asked Questions
Get started with 1Password Extended Access Management
See for yourself how 1Password Extended Access Management can help optimize the security of every device, application, and login. Contact our team to learn more.