Security. Made Simple.

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Need secure password management for your business?

More than 100,000 businesses trust 1Password Business to secure their business and protect their data. To learn more about 1Password for your business, please contact us at for more information.

1Password Teams

Securely share everything you need to work together. Give employees access to logins, documents, credit cards, and more, on all their devices.

  • Use on all your devices
  • Unlimited items
  • 1GB secure storage

1Password Business

Individual or a team? Stay organized with peace of mind using the password manager that remembers everything for you.

  • Use on all your devices
  • Unlimited items
  • 1GB secure storage

Keep your team safe without slowing them down

Securely share everything you need to work together. Give employees access to logins, documents, credit cards, and more, on all their devices.

Fastcompany: Award from Fastcompany for best new app. Trustpilot: Award from Trustpilot for best rated password manager. Wirecutter: Award from Wirecutter for top pick for password managers. Wired: Award from Wired for best password manager. Webby: Award from The Webby Awards for best services and utilities app.