5 Reasons you need password sync

Whether you’re shopping online, managing your workflow, or chatting with friends, you’re probably swapping between devices during the day. That often means logging into apps and websites on your desktop, smartphone, or tablet. Keeping up with passwords – and when and how you changed them – can be frustrating and difficult. Password sync technology changes that.

What is password syncing?

Password synchronization ensures you don’t have to manually enter new passwords when you log in to apps and websites on different devices. Here’s a real-life example of how it works:

  • Secure your entire team across various browsers, apps, and devices.
  • Access reports so you know how your teams are using 1Password and whether they’re compliant.
  • Get premium support to help you manage implementations and troubleshoot any issues.
  • Create group and role-based permissions.
  • Understand whether company email addresses or other credentials have been exposed in a breach.

5 reasons to sync passwords today

Save yourself time

Typing your password repeatedly takes time. Have you ever noticed that almost every time you plug in a USB device, you have to flip it over because you tried to plug it in upside down? Passwords can feel like that too – it seems like there’s always one or two typos when you’re trying to enter them. That’s especially true on mobile devices, where it’s easy to thumb an extra letter enough times to potentially lock yourself out. If passwords are automatically entered for you, it saves you time and reduces those issues.

Smooth out your workflow

If you’re switching between devices while handling professional or personal work, stopping to figure out your password can be a real productivity stopper. It might only take less than a few minutes to fix, even if you forgot the password and need to reset it. However, that can halt the groove of your workflow, potentially leaving you distracted or unable to recapture your train of thought or motivation. 1Password Business can help employers and small business owners reduce these interruptions.

Make family accounts easier to access

If you’re using a password manager, it’s harder for one person to lock others out of apps, whether it’s intentional or inadvertent. For example, a couple might share a cell phone account. If one person logs in to pay the bill and doesn’t remember the password, they might reset it. That leaves the other person in the dark unless everyone remembers to communicate. Password syncing can help families alleviate this confusion. It also helps you keep kids’ accounts secure without requiring them to constantly update and type in long passwords.

Maintain access to data and functions

If you lock yourself out of some accounts, getting back in can be challenging. You may need to spend time on the phone with customer service or jump through identification hoops. In some cases, customer service can’t even help you. Password syncing between devices and browsers helps reduce the chance you’ll lock yourself out to begin with.

Use stronger passwords

No one wants to type 15 characters that include random strings of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters every time they log into something. However, those are the types of passwords that are hard to guess or crack via hacking programs – more than 80% of data breaches are traced back to weak password use. You can use stronger passwords without having to do all that typing with password sync.

How to manage passwords

Manually managing your passwords is inconvenient and time-consuming. Instead, consider investing in a password manager like 1Password to sync your passwords across devices and browsers.

How to sync passwords

It’s simple. Download 1Password and follow the instructions to get started. 1Password is available for:

  • Individuals
  • Families
  • Teams
  • Businesses
  • Enterprise

Pricing starts at less than a cup of coffee per user per month, and you can try 1Password free if you want to see how much time you can save and the hassles you can avoid.

How to sync passwords between devices

If you sign up on your computer, how does that help you sync passwords across all your other devices? 1Password makes it easy. You can add the 1Password app to Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems as well as iOS and Android devices to sync passwords on phones, tablets, and computers.

How to sync passwords between browsers

Browsers often offer their own password syncing extensions or features, but those only work in one browser. 1Password lets you add password management across all the browsers you use with options for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Brave, and Safari.

Ready to put 1Password to the test?

Sign up for a free trial today and start enjoying the peace of mind and convenience of password syncing.