Domain breach report
Find every company email address caught in a data breach, and take action to keep your data safe.
Try 1PasswordIdentify threats
Check everyone’s company email address whether or not they use 1Password.
Take action
Make sure those affected change exposed passwords to strong, unique alternatives.
Improve security
Use 1Password to see if exposed passwords have been reused elsewhere – and change them.
Identify threats and take action
See every company email address affected by known data breaches
See the kind of information exposed, including passwords, card details and other important data
Invite team members to 1Password right from the report

Keep your business secure
Verify every domain you own to make sure all company email addresses are checked
Make sure team members use 1Password to see where exposed passwords have been reused – and change them

Why it matters
Reused passwords are the number-one cause of compromised accounts
65% of people reuse passwords on some or all accounts
Credential stuffing attacks make it quick and easy for attackers to target multiple accounts with exposed email addresses and passwords

Included with 1Password Business and 1Password Teams
If you use 1Password Business or 1Password Teams, you can already create a report.
Try 1Password Business